Fitzwater expects to prioritize infant care, steel tubing in state legislative session | Executive |
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Fitzwater expects to prioritize infant care, steel tubing in state legislative session | Executive |

Oct 14, 2024

Courts/County Government Reporter

Director of Government Relations and Strategic Partnerships Victoria Venable, left, and Frederick County Executive Jessica Fitzwater listen as Jeana Panarella speaks on Monday at a town hall meeting on the 2025 Maryland General Assembly session.

Director of Government Relations and Strategic Partnerships Victoria Venable, left, and Frederick County Executive Jessica Fitzwater listen as Jeana Panarella speaks on Monday at a town hall meeting on the 2025 Maryland General Assembly session.

Early intervention for infants and their families and stricter regulations on fuel gas piping are expected to be among Frederick County Executive Jessica Fitzwater’s priorities for the upcoming Maryland General Assembly session.

On Monday, Fitzwater, D, hosted a legislative town hall meeting in which she outlined some of the ideas she plans to bring to Annapolis in 2025 and heard feedback from residents. The Maryland General Assembly will convene on Jan. 8, 2025.

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Courts/County Government Reporter

people need to quit having kids they can't afford.

Or we could do like other civilized countries & provide healthcare to all our citizens. If nothing else, it would be cheaper than the current system.

You write the first check!!

You mean Obama Care is a diaster?

And yet if we the voters (including the non-voters & voters for alt candidates) keep leaving it up to the states & to the maga powers that be increasingly in control of our institutions, how will the ones who agree with you be able to do that?

It's called Socialism JoBob.

But seriously, isn't it more like nationalism in the best sense? Being willing--perhaps even wanting--to contribute some of what you've earned or been given to the health & safety of your countrymen/women/children--even some total strangers--for the good (some would even call it the greatness) of the nation as a whole?

Correcting for sense: But seriously isn't what you call Socialism more like nationalism in the best sense of the word? . . .

Please excuse late-night off-topic attempt to find a way to make a point that seems to need making, but not now or here

Seeing in daylight that Gabriel Schneider had already made the point perfectly well. (Well, not ready to curse the spirit of Joe Lieberman even after cursing him at the time)

Every other industrialized country manages to do it. Even most developing countries too. It’s really just about what people are interested in prioritizing. America spent over 8 trillion dollars on the war on terror. For what? The money is there. If you follow these things, you would know the Obama administration came 1 vote shy of a public option in negotiations for the ACA (rot in peace, Joe Lieberman).

Meant as a response to Reader's 8:18am post

Many can afford the kids when they have them and then something happens (like perhaps they get cancer) and then they need help. Should they just drown their child if they lose their job?

Nothing is free. Tax payers picking up the tab.

Everyone knows that "free" refers to the point of sale and not to the service itself.

Why aren't new parents going to their own doctors, and paying for their care themselves?

Ridiculous healthcare system. No paid sick leave laws. No paid maternity/paternity leave laws. No access to public transportation. In short, we have a Frankenstein’s monster of a social safety net that has the highest maternal & infant mortality rates in the industrialized world…especially for people at the lowest end of the economic spectrum. This, despite having the highest cost. There is no effective political will to fix it so this is the equivalent of putting a bandaid on it.

Go to Canada then - all the actors said they would leave when Trump won the first time! Did they? Nope! Go figure!

Shhh. The adults are having a conversation.

Mel Gibson said that?

Move to Venezuela and see how good the healthcare is there.

For the most part, those that don't would like to, & would if they could & still put food on the table. Although they might have trouble taking the time off from whichever of their jobs they'd have to leave (often without paid leave) to do it. The Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), created as part of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, still provides healthcare for children in families too well off to qualify for Medicaid, but not well off enough to consistently access regular healthcare (including dental care) for them. Like the ACA & all other programs & services deemed 'anti-business socialist giveaways' by candidate Trump & company, it's more than likely to be abolished or gutted if they gain a second term.

Not to leave unmentioned what's been planned for (against) the programs already in place or in the process of being created to care, as much as still possible, for the rapidly failing health of our shared natural environment.

Because democrats want to hand out "free" healthcare to all. Why pay for it yourself if the democrats are going to give it to you for "free."

It does seem that taxpayers would come out ahead by paying for abortions.

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